菲律宾十大彩票平台大学的荣誉课程是一项独家课程,旨在激发我们一些最具学术好奇心的学生的思想. 许多大学都提供荣誉课程,但菲律宾十大彩票平台学院的课程是独一无二的.

Why Participate in Montana Tech’s Honor Program?

荣誉学生可以独家使用卓越学术中心的专用休息室. 他们也有机会住在校园最新宿舍的一个特殊的侧翼, the Living and Learning Center. 奖学金支持和优先班级注册也提供给荣誉学生. The program also includes non-academic art, science, 文化和社区活动将促进与校园领导的关系.


优等生每学期都必须和他们的同组学生一起注册一个0学分的研讨会. 每个学期的研讨会主题都不同,但总是以讨论为基础.


Each semester, honors students will participate in a service event, 这可能是菲律宾十大彩票平台学院学生联合会(ASMT)现有服务活动的一部分。.


At least twice a year, 学生将有机会与校园领导共进晚餐, such as the Chancellor, Provosts and Vice Chancellors. 这些餐点让优等生有机会与能够创造变革的领导者分享他们对大学的想法和想法.

Cultural/Social Events

At last once a semester, 优等生将有机会参加社会/文化活动. 活动可能包括户外游览、艺术工作坊、音乐会或戏剧.


Apply Now

To apply to the Honors Program, 你必须是菲律宾十大彩票平台大学第一学期的大一新生. You must have had an incoming 3.平均绩点5分或以上,在ACT或SAT考试中表现优异. 学生将于秋季学期申请,并将于次年春季学期接受申请.

In order to be considered for the program, you must submit:

  • the honors application.
  • a resume detailing co-curricular activities and achievement.
  • a 400-500 word essay about a time that you overcame a challenge.


Program Requirements

在课程期间,学生必须保持至少3的累积GPA.25、参加学期荣誉研讨会,参加服务活动. 强烈鼓励学生参加各种文化/社会活动.

Get More Info

Being part of the honors program at Tech is awesome! 当我第一次申请的时候,我不知道会发生什么,但我很高兴我做了. Since joining, 我认识了一些教师,并与其他学生成为了朋友. 在校园里认识其他面孔,能够打招呼,感觉很好! Not only that, 但是参加小组讨论和活动是我在其他课上传统讲座的一个很好的休息. 如果你有机会申请,我强烈推荐你!

Jaden Cleveland Freshman, Civil Engineering Butte, MT

Explore Honors Curriculum

荣誉研讨会旨在挑战你的学术和培养知识探究的文化. 学生每学期必须注册零学分研修班,课程全年由同一讲师授课. 秋季研讨会的主题通常由教师选择,春季研讨会的主题由学生和教师选择.

研讨会是一种独特的体验/主题,只提供给荣誉学生. Ranging from Deep Reads (where we delve into one great book), Social Justice Issues, and special topics. Take a look at our past seminar topics.

Learn More About the Honors Program at Montana Tech

See past cohorts of honors students.


See past outings honors students enjoyed.

Staff and Mentors

Faculty and community members mentor our honors students.

Connect with us.

We can answer your questions and help you get started.

Matt Haynes, MFA
Honors Program Director, Writing Instructor